This infographic explores the key trends in flow cytometry, software and instrumentation based on results from a recent Spotlight survey. It highlights the top challenges for biomarker analysis using flow cytometry, including lack of standardized control materials, sourcing a suitable laboratory and uncertain regulatory expectation, as well as what the…

Please download this poster, “Validation of a 15-Color Spectral Flow Cytometry Panel for Globally Harmonized Comprehensive Leukocyte Profiling in Human Whole Blood: Translational and Clinical Applications “ CYTEK_ValidatedPanels_EBF2024_20241118Download…

Please download this poster, “Comparative Evaluation of Ligand Binding Assay Platforms for BiomarkerQuantification: Critical Considerations for Ensuring Data Quality and Project Success” LBAPlatforms_EBF2024_Poster_vfDownload…

Please download this poster, “Can Automation Improve Compliance, Consistency, & Efficiency for CGTP Data Analysis” BioData-KCAS-Poster-72x36_FinalDownload…

Please download this poster, “Automating Selection for Incurred Sample Reanalysis: A Meta-Analytical-Based Algorithm for Error Reduction” KCB-poster_WRIB-2024_ISR-MAB-error-reductionDownload…

Please download this poster, “Monitoring immunogenicity of your candidate vaccine by ELISpot.” Vaccines_EIP2024_Poster_vfDownload…

Please download this poster, “Performance of a method for quantifying progranulin as a target engagement biomarker for azp2006 in progressive supranuclear palsy.” PGRN_ADPD2024_PosterDownload…

Please download this poster, “Flow Cytometric Analysis of Urine Cell 18-Color Immunophenotyping Panel.” 2024_WV_Carroll_SpectralUrineNMIBCDownload…