Dermatology CRO Services
KCAS Bio specializes in toxicology assessment for topical therapies, offering diverse dermal services including edema/erythema measurement and scoring, from lead candidate selection to clinical proof-of-concept. Our expertise includes safety assessments for dermatology therapies, covering both locally and centrally acting therapies, involving small and large molecules. Partnering with our dermatology experts throughout development accelerates your program.
Advances in dermatology treatments
Nonclinical dermal studies differ from other drug studies. Understanding the regulatory options is crucial to dermal studies. The skin provides a significant point of entry for chemical agents, and in vivo dermal studies pose unique challenges not seen with parenteral or oral studies, such as normal anatomical variation in cutaneous morphology, and the increased risk of systemic exposure. Understanding these elements allows you to make better, more informed decisions early in the process so you can decrease program costs, streamline the development process, and accelerate timelines to obtain regulatory approval and move your compound into clinical trials.
Dermatology treatment research, by leading scientists
Big strides in the future of dermatology are being taken every day in everything from skin cancer detection and treatment to cell and gene therapies for genetic and rare skin disorders. KCAS Bio is at the cutting edge of those strides being taken, and we pour that passion and experience into the success of our clients' dermatology projects.
We employ rigorous quality practices that go beyond our competition. Processes are continuously improved to ensure we consistently deliver a complete outsourcing experience to clients.
KCAS Bio provides high quality science and data services that have benefits for the entire drug development journey.
Agile, responsive and easy to work with
We prepare and adapt our dermatology research services based on a deep understanding of your drug development ambitions and wider business objectives.
KCAS Bio scientific insights

A recent trend observed at KCAS is that the bioanalytical needs of our clients’ projects are becoming more complex. There is increasing focus on monitoring delivery of therapeutics to the target of interest. This…

Have you ever wished you could tailor your project to your research needs instead of taking what you can get from a CRO? Here at KCAS, our Discovery team prides itself on having the flexibility to meet client’s needs by designing the experiments with feedback from our sponsors. Our team of…

Tell us how we can help with your project
We've earned our reputation for delivering reliable, error-free data. We understand the importance of speed, flexibility, and consistency and only make promises we can keep.