KCAS-podcast-thumb_TCF-016 Podcasts
Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #16: “The Role of Flow in Drug Autoimmune Indication Research”

In episode 16 of The Conversational Flow podcast, hosts Brian Wile and Adam Cotty are joined by Allie Greenplate and Ayman Rezk to explore “The Role of Flow in Drug Autoimmune Indication Research.” The discussion delves into the surge in pharmaceutical R&D for immune and autoimmune indications, highlighting the influence of oncology…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #15: “Fantastic Fluorophores and Where to Find Them (w/ Kelly Lundsten)”

In this exciting 15th episode of The Conversational Flow podcast, titled “Fantastic Fluorophores and Where to Find Them,” hosts Brian Wile and Adam Cotty from KCAS Bio are joined by special guest Kelly Lundsten from FluoroFinder. Together, they dive into the fascinating world of spectral flow cytometry, exploring key questions such as…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #14: “Modifying Flow Cytometry Panels: the “Backbone” of Flow Cytometry”

A flow cytometry backbone panel is a set of antibodies that can be used as a starting point for identifying cell types, and then supplemented with additional markers. On the most recent episode of “The Conversational Flow”, our hosts, Brian and Adam, spend some time together as they answer the questions…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #13: “Low Content Analysis: When a smaller panel is better than a larger one”

During the most recent episode of “The Conversational Flow” podcast, our hosts Brian and Adam talk about those times when a smaller panel might be desirable over a larger panel. To dive deep into this discussion and really analyze all the angles of these questions, the guys have invited a…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #12: “High Content Analysis: Finding Needles in a Growing Haystack”

In the 12th episode of “The Conversational Flow” podcast, Brian and Adam welcome two special guests – Sean Burke of Denovo Software and Ryan Brinkman of Dotmatics – who join them to discuss the answers to a number of specific questions about High Content Analysis: How can we manage and…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #11: “Going Global with Spectral Flow Cytometry – US, France and Now Australia”

During this special episode of “The Conversational Flow” our hosts, Brian and Adam, welcome two guests: John Bucksath, CEO of KCAS Bio, and Stefan Cross, CEO of Crux Biolabs. These two guests discuss the elements and advantages of their organizations’ new partnership between KCAS’ US and European locations and Crux’s…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #10: “Instrument Comparison: Some Instruments are More Equal than Others”

When it comes to flow cytometry instrumentation, there are a number of things that can be different. You may have different types of lasers, you might have a different path for the laser to follow to get to the detector, you can have different actual detectors, different filters in front…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #9: “Batch Effects, Controls, and Considerations for Longitudinal Studies”

Let’s face it – nobody likes batch effects (unless it has to do with cookies, but that’s for another podcast). In episode #9 of “The Conversational Flow”, Brian and Adam talk about Batch Effects which is when you’re having changes in the study that are not necessarily related to the…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #8: “Receptor Occupancy Testing in Clinical Trials”

For episode #8 of “The Conversational Flow” podcast, Brian and Adam spend the time discussing Receptor Occupancy Testing in Clinical Trials. Receptor occupancy (RO) assays are important in clinical trials because they provide valuable information about a drug’s binding characteristics and mechanism of action. Our hosts begin by outlining the…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #7: “The Current State of Receptor Occupancy Validation”

For episode #7 of “The Conversational Flow”, Brian and Adam invite David Ambrose to join them as they continue their conversation about Receptor Occupancy assays. There are so many unique considerations around an RO assay and with any flow cytometry assay, the precision of that assay is important. Our hosts…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #6: “Receptor Occupancy: All the Deceptively Simple Questions”

The newest episode of “The Conversational Flow” has Brian and Adam talking about the concepts around Receptor Occupancy and all the deceptively simple questions people often have about them, as well as the important but sometimes difficult answers to those questions. They talk about the biology of receptors and the…

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Listen to podcast Podcast (The Conversational Flow) Eps #5: “What Is Cell Sorting and What Role Does It Play in Bioanalysis?”

During this newest episode of “The Conversational Flow”, Brian and Adam discuss cell sorting and the pivotal role it plays in molecular biology applications – enabling researchers to isolate specific cell populations from complex mixtures, as well as a number of other benefits. Our hosts dive into the importance of…