KCAS-podcast-thumb_TWB-069 Podcasts
Listen to podcast Podcast Eps #69: “The Evolving world of Antibody-Drug Conjugates & How KCAS Can Help”

Starting with a description of Antibody Drug Conjugates (or ADCs, for short), Dom and John dive into this field of the industry and discuss the ways these services have changed over time and even how they’ve changed recently. They review the role of ADCs in meeting some of…

KCAS-blog-thumb_2023-08F_Conventional-vs-Spectral Blogs
Read article Unveiling the Future of Flow Cytometry: Conventional vs. Spectral Flow

In the rapidly evolving realm of flow cytometry, conventional flow cytometry is gradually being displaced by its advanced counterpart, spectral flow cytometry. These technologies, each with its unique strengths and applications, have revolutionized the way we analyze cells and particles. Let’s dive…

KCAS-blog-thumb_2023-08D_Soluble-Biomarkers Blogs
Read article Soluble Biomarkers from KCAS: a Global Perspective

A biomarker is a defined characteristic that is measured as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or biological responses to an exposure or intervention, including therapeutic interventions(1). With the development of innovative and personalized therapies, biomarker tracking is increasingly important to support the clinical development…

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Read article A Closer Look at Immunophenotyping and its Applications at KCAS

Immunophenotyping has undergone a seismic change in less than two decades as panel sizes have increased in complexity from <10 to >40 colors. Let’s explore how immunophenotyping is transforming the field and how FlowMetric, a KCAS…

KCAS-blog-thumb_2023-07D_Flow-Expansion Blogs
Read article KCAS is Expanding Cutting-Edge Flow Services into Europe – What Does This Mean for You and Your International Projects?

In an exciting development, KCAS, through its subsidiary FlowMetric, is expanding its flow services in Europe. With a history of providing cutting-edge flow services in the EU, KCAS is taking a significant step forward by transitioning services from its Milan, Italy site to…

KCAS-blog-thumb_2023-07B_PK-ADCs Blogs
Read article Recent FDA Guidance for Pharmacokinetics and Antibody Drug Conjugates, and What They Mean for Your Projects at KCAS

With recent guidance released from the FDA, there are changes for PKs (Pharmacokinetics) and ADCs (Antibody Drug Conjugates) that must be clearly understood before making decisions for your drug product testing. ADCs combine the target specificity of monoclonal antibodies with the…

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Read article The Power of Spectral Flow via the Latest Cytek Aurora Instrumentation at FlowMetric, A KCAS Company

Spectral flow has come a long way in recent years, transforming from a mere whisper of possibility to an essential tool in bioanalysis. Initially gaining traction in academic institutions, it quickly caught the attention…

KCAS-podcast-thumb_TWB-068 Podcasts
Listen to podcast The weekly Bioanalysis Podcast Eps #68: “Molecular Cell & Gene Therapy”

Special guest Carrie Vyhlidal, PhD of KCAS Bio joins John and Dom in the 68th episode of “The Weekly Bioanalysis” to discuss the ways molecular cell & gene therapy services has evolved and why their role will likely become more and more important to the world of bioanalytical…

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Read article Unraveling the Complexities of Oligonucleotides: Overcoming Analytical Challenges

In the world of scientific research and development, certain analytes pose unique challenges that require specialized expertise to overcome. Oligonucleotides, a class of analytes consisting of short DNA or RNA sequences, are notorious for their complexity and demanding nature. With their increasing importance in the…