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Read article Global Clinical Sample Logistics at KCAS

If you’re running a clinical or preclinical study, there are many components that you need to think about, plan, and execute. One is “what the heck do I do with these samples we’re collecting”…

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Read article Old vs. New Technologies at KCAS

Adoption of technology has a life cycle that typically follows a bell-shaped curve. There are early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Adopting technology early comes with a risk, as not all technologies are widely adopted and many are very short lived. Adopting late also comes with a risk,…

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Read article Cell-Based Biomarker & PD Support at KCAS

As the Bioanalytical support for drug development continues to grow, more and more scientists are requiring more complex assays. Two examples are cell based assays and what we refer to as live cell assays.

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Read article Navigating the FDA’s Tobacco Regulations

The FDA has regulated cigarettes, smokeless and loose tobacco since 2009 under the Tobacco Control Act. In 2016, the FDA finalized a rule for the regulation of all tobacco products, making it illegal to sell e-cigarettes, cigars and hookah tobacco to anyone under 18 and requiring retailers to check photo…

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Read article Emerging Immuno-oncology Therapies

Immuno-oncology is a growing field. The goal is to augment the patient’s immune system to attack the cancer cells. The current lines of treatment for cancer are radiation, chemotherapy, and surgical resection. If these treatments do not work, physicians can seek alternative treatments, such as immune-oncology therapeutics. Two emerging immune-oncology…

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Read article State of the CRO Industry

Once again we find ourselves wrapping up our 2017 goals and  and tallying the year’s performance. Simultaneously, we are filled with excitement looking forward to the New Year and to the promises it will bring to the pharmaceutical industry and the CRO community. According to Reuters, 2017 was one of…

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Read article MSD 54-plex: Ready When You Are

KCAS is the first GLP laboratory to qualify all 54 biomarkers offered as a V-Plex (Validated Plex) by MSD. The a la carte style allows for customization of panels that will fit the exact…

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Read article Analysis of Unstable Compounds at KCAS

Several important classes of drugs are inherently unstable in biological fluids. Examples include alkylating agents, cytostatic nucleosides, drugs with ester, aldehyde, thiol, nitroxyl or lactone functional groups, and small molecule compounds with unstable metabolites, such as acylglucuronides. The rate at which an analyte degrades in blood, other biological fluids, or…

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Read article 505(b)(2) Drug Development: A Bioanalytical Lab’s Perspective

The 505(b)(2) drug development path, in contrast to traditional development of a new, never been approved drug (described under 505(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act) or ANDA (described under Section 505(j) of the Act) for a generic drug that is no longer under patent…

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Read article Validating Drug Assays in Tissues

Designing a tissue assay in accordance to the FDA bioanalytical method validation (BMV) guidance involves three key questions. First, can control tissue be easily obtained in bulk quantities or should a surrogate tissue approach be considered? Second, what sample processing procedures should be considered relative to the known stability of…

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Read article Evaluating New Modalities

Measuring new biotherapeutic modalities such as cellular therapies are not well defined in the regulatory landscape. Currently no white papers or guidelines are available to help navigate the murky waters of quantifying new modalities, which is why the AAPS PK focus group has set a course toward providing the field…

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Read article Quality Assurance at KCAS

In pursuit of KCAS’ Mission to provide reliable and defendable data, quality is one of our core values. It is the responsibility of every employee to provide an always improving, high-level performance in all we do. Our independent Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) assures management that Operations is performing in conformance…