Posts by John Perkins, Ph.D.

John R. Perkins, Ph.D. is the Senior Scientific Advisor with a focus on LC/MS technologies at KCAS Bio. Previously, he was at Q2 Solutions and legacy companies for over 24 years working in quantitative LC-MS/MS, principally with small molecules and small molecule biomarkers. His primary focus was on validation and sample analysis processes as well as managing customer relationships in Ithaca NY and Oss, The Netherlands.

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Read article How to Avoid Getting Lines Crossed with Analysis of Lipid-substituted Peptides at KCAS

Although small molecules represent the majority of compounds in development as drug candidates, there is an increasing tendency to more complex molecular structures to address unmet molecular needs. This has been reflected in the…

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Read article Advanced Strategies for Analyzing Tissue Matrices

A recent trend observed at KCAS is that the bioanalytical needs of our clients’ projects are becoming more complex.  There is increasing focus on monitoring delivery of therapeutics to the target of interest. This…

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Read article Is Hybrid LC-MS/MS Emerging as an Equal Partner to LBA for the Analysis of Biotherapeutics?

There has been an increasing focus on large molecule therapeutics and pharmaceutical companies have increasingly aligned their development pipelines in that direction. This has resulted in more biological therapeutics coming to market.  Last year,…

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Read article Combining the Benefits of LBA and LC-MS/MS for Pharmacodynamics at KCAS

Pharmacodynamics (PD) is defined as the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and the mechanisms of their actions. Where pharmacokinetics looks at how the organism processes the drug, pharmacodynamics studies how…

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Read article Large Molecule Therapeutics Challenges and Solutions (part 2)

To read part one of this 2-part series, click here. With increasing focus on large molecule therapeutics and interest in large molecule biomarkers it’s essential to have LC/MS available as a complimentary technology to ligand…

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Read article Drug Discovery: an Essential Part of the Drug Development Process

Drug discovery is an essential part of the drug development process. Testing in drug discovery is the mechanism to provide drug candidates that are selected for regulated animal studies and hopefully moving into clinical trials.

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Read article Recognizing the Importance of Internal Standards and Workflows in Bioanalytical LC-MS/MS

The workflow for bioanalytical LC-MS/MS requires isolation of analytes of interest from biological samples prior to analysis. This usually involves an extraction procedure ahead of injection into the LC-MS/MS system where the target compounds…

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Read article Large Molecule Therapeutics Challenges and Solutions (part 1)

A recent trend in the pipelines of pharmaceutical companies & biotechs has been a shift to large molecule therapeutics. This presents a challenge for bioanalysis by LC/MS because the molecular weights of the target…

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View webinar KCAS Webinar: Addressing the Challenges of Complex Analytes and Matrices in Preparation for Routine Sample Analysis

Join us Tuesday November 10, 2020 at 11am EST| 8am PST| 4pm CET| 5pm CET Bioanalytical liquid chromatography­–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) for small molecules is often referred to as a routine technology. That perception may be true for many drugs, but as pharmaceutical companies move into new areas, more  projects may…

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Read article Successful Dose Formulation Analysis from KCAS

Dose Formulation Analysis is an essential step in regulated nonclinical studies to ensure correct doses are administered to underpin toxicokinetic assessments. Based on years of experience, KCAS has built a stand-alone team dedicated to…

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Read article Trouble with your lab shutting down? You can still do it here.

The long-term economic consequences of the COVID-19 virus are yet to be determined. However, short term it is having major impact on research & drug development so companies are adapting in order to survive.

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Read article Unstable Small Molecule Therapeutic Analysis

Pharmacokinetic modeling during the drug development process is essential for determining whether an administered drug substance has the necessary characteristics to meet its intended medical use. Typically for small molecules, this is based on…