KCAS Bio is attending CYTO2024, the 37th annual Congress of the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry in Edinburgh, Scotland! A great occasion to explore the latest advancements in cytometry science and to discuss our flow cytometry services with the community.

At this edition, Alessandra Roberto, PhD – Principal scientist at KCAS Bio – will be presenting a poster titled “Validation of Two Standardized Flow Cytometry Panels for Reliable and Reproducible Immune Phenotyping in Translational and Clinical Studies.

Validation of Flow Cytometry Panels by KCAS Bio

Elucidating the complexities of the immune system in both physiological and pathological conditions necessitates methodological rigor and precision. Flow cytometry, particularly polychromatic flow cytometry, is recognized as a crucial technique as it enables to accurately distinguish various immune cell populations. However, the integrity of data derived from such analyses relies on the validation of analytical methods. Herein lies the paramount importance of employing meticulously validated flow cytometry panels.

At CYTO 2024, we share with the scientific community works from KCAS Bio on the optimization and validation of two flow cytometry TBMNK and T-Cell Subset panels. These panels represent refined tools for precisely interrogating immune cell dynamics within cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and whole blood specimens.

The TBMNK panel facilitates concurrent identification and enumeration of various immune cell subsets, encompassing Helper and Cytotoxic T cells, B cells, NK cell subsets, and distinct Monocyte populations. Meanwhile, the T-Cell Subset panel affords a deeper exploration of T cell phenotypes, looking into regulatory, naïve, and memory compartments within both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets.

Critically, the validation process highlights the robustness, reproducibility, and reliability of our analytical approach accomplished by rigorously evaluating intra-assay precision, inter-assay precision, inter-analyst variability, inter-instrument reliability, and sample staining stability. Notably, the majority of reportable parameters exhibit coefficients of variation (CV) below 10%, with a significant proportion demonstrating CV values below 5%, underscoring the method’s reliability across diverse experimental conditions. Furthermore, the percentage difference across multiple acquisitions of the same sample over time remains consistently below 10% for the vast majority of reportables, highlighting the staining stability and the reliability of the instruments.

Advantages of Prevalidated Flow Cytometry Panels in Multisite Research Collaborations

Offering prevalidated flow cytometry panels is all about efficiency and reliability. With prevalidated panels at their disposal, KCAS Bio sponsors can skip the time-consuming process of validating panels.

However, having ready-to-use panels does not limit the ability to customize them based on the client’s requirements. Even when sponsors need to incorporate additional parameters, having a pre-validated backbone panel saves time and resources, accelerating experiment initiation and allowing research projects to run smoother overall.

But it’s not just about saving time and resources; prevalidated panels also ensure consistency and accuracy across studies. By using panels that have already been rigorously validated, our sponsors can trust that their results will be reliable and comparable.

In a global context like KCAS Bio’s, the advantages of offering prevalidated flow cytometry panels are amplified. This ensures standardization across multiple sites, mitigating the variability that can arise from differences in validation protocols and practices. This standardization facilitates seamless collaboration and data integration between sites, enhancing the reliability and comparability of results across multicentric studies.

Overall, the availability of prevalidated flow cytometry panels fosters consistency, efficiency, and reliability across all participating sites, ultimately enhancing the success and impact of collaborative translational and clinical studies.

Who is this poster presentation particularly addressed to?

This poster presentation is particularly of interest to researchers, scientists, and professionals in biotechs and large pharma working in translational and clinical studies in immunology, oncology, and vaccine development fields.

Professionals in oncology rely on precise immune cell analysis to develop novel immunotherapies and personalized treatments. Validated flow cytometry panels offer a means to achieve this, aiding in cancer research and treatment strategies.

Similarly, professionals in vaccine development benefit from validated flow cytometry panels to assess immune responses, advancing vaccine candidates effectively

Overall, those focusing on immune cell dynamics and phenotypes in multisite translational or clinical studies would find the validation of flow cytometry panels by KCAS Bio particularly relevant.

The validated panels not only support current research needs but also pave the way for future advancements in immunotherapy, personalized medicine, and vaccine development. As the demand for precise immune cell analysis continues to grow, validated flow cytometry panels will play a crucial role in driving innovation and progress in these fields.