Posts by KCAS Bio

Are the Sensitivities Similar? Click here to view the entire series.

What are the Differences Between Time and Costs for Development? Click here to view the entire series.

Is Hybrid LC-MS/MS emerging as an Equal Partner? Click here to view the entire series.

What is a Hybrid LC-MS/MS? Click here to view the entire series.

Are there any specific technologies that are more useful to have together? Click here to view the entire series.

What Makes a Good CRO for Bioanalysis? Click here to view the entire series.

Take a peek inside KCAS Bio – Lyon. Our Strengths The KCAS Bio – Lyon team dives into the strengths of our organization as a bioanalytical CRO, and how we align these strengths to meet the challenging requirements our sponsors are seeking. ———- Our Customer Service The team from…

The team from KCAS Bio – Lyon, offers a unique perspective regarding what is involved to ensure positive client outcomes.

The KCAS Bio – Lyon team dives into the strengths of our organization as a bioanalytical CRO, and how we align these strengths to meet the challenging requirements our sponsors are seeking.

Christine Bain, Ph.D., shares how her role at KCAS Bio – Lyon, gives her the unique opportunity to work at the intersection of sponsor needs and the science behind it all.

Magali Roche, Ph.D., shares her love for working with sponsors from all over the world to help improve health worldwide.

Please download this poster, “Flow Cytometric Analysis of Urine Cell 18-Color Immunophenotyping Panel.” 2024_WV_Carroll_SpectralUrineNMIBCDownload…