Gastrointestinal CRO Services
Gastrointestinal disorders include various conditions such as IBD (like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), IBS, GERD and Celiac Disease. KCAS Bio has extensive experience in conducting gastrointestinal studies. Our team is made up of dedicated drug development experts with significant experience in conducting studies for experimental therapeutics for diseases and conditions that include everything from acid reflux and indigestion to IBS and Celiac.
The evolution of gastrointestinal therapeutics
Gastrointestinal disorders have emerged with growing interest in more industrialized nations in recent years, because although we have access to some of the world's best nutrition, our diet unfortunately does not always reflect that and it has caused our intestines to start to showing elevated levels of certain cytokines. During drug development, many key data points are related to physiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Many disease conditions are also associated with an alteration of the anatomy and/or physiology of the GI tract. For this reason, it is important for a CRO to have an established history of gastrointestinal studies. KCAS Bio is ready to begin your gastrointestinal drug development project.
Gastrointestinal treatment research, by leading scientists
Because of the nature of the way we measure biomarkers for Gastrointestinal disorders, it can be difficult to get good tissues for these evaluations, but at KCAS Bio we have ways to help either use a serum sample or a matrix, a plasma sample to look, develop a highly sensitive method to potentially look for a given biomarker that normally is restricted to your intestines. Also, we understand the sophistication of drugs that would be engineered. KCAS Bio is very good at looking at novel engineered drugs and assessing them bioanalytically.
We employ rigorous quality practices that go beyond our competition. Processes are continuously improved to ensure we consistently deliver a complete outsourcing experience to clients.
KCAS Bio provides high quality science and data services that have benefits for the entire drug development journey.
Agile, responsive, and easy to work with
We prepare and adapt our gastrointestinal research services based on a deep understanding of your drug development ambitions and wider business objectives.

Tell us how we can help with your project
We've earned our reputation for delivering reliable, error-free data. We understand the importance of speed, flexibility, and consistency and only make promises we can keep.