Join KCAS Bio at the GMP Symposium in Lyon, France! The GMP Symposium is an annual event organized by the Groupement des Métiers de la Pharmacologie (GMP), founded in 1988 by researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. Governed by French Law, the association aims to promote knowledge exchange and collaboration among members involved in Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism.

The symposium features plenary sessions with lectures by experts from academia and the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on emerging areas of interest in the scientific community. Key objectives include facilitating information exchange, providing a discussion platform for daily practice challenges, disseminating new approaches, and fostering collaboration among scientists from related disciplines like Toxicology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, and Cellular Science.

Make plans to attend the session dedicated to biomarker strategy for dose selection/optimization during session six on day two at 4 pm. KCAS Bio Senior Scientific Advisor, Christine Bain, Ph.D., will discuss how biomarkers contribute to driving the clinical development of DMTs in neurodegenerative diseases.

Contact us to schedule a meeting during the conference. The GMP Symposium is a unique platform for industry professionals to connect, collaborate, and share insights. We look forward to engaging with industry leaders, regulators, and peers to exchange knowledge and explore new trends.