Posts by Heather Evans, Ph.D.

KCAS-webinar-thumb_2024-010_receptor occupancy assay Webinars
View webinar KCAS Bio Webinar: Development and Validation of Receptor Occupancy (RO) Assays: Challenges and Approaches

Webinar Description: Acquire a deeper understanding of Receptor Occupancy (RO) assays as measured by flow cytometry.  We will discuss the fundamental considerations for RO method design, development, and validation.  Within each of these areas, Dr. Evans highlights critical areas of consideration which can impact your ability to robustly quantify Receptor Occupancy within…

KCAS-blog-thumb_2024-010_Intracellular Staining Blogs
Read article Intracellular Cytokine Staining Assays – Functional Assessment Using Flow Cytometry

Intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) is a functional immunology assay that uses flow cytometry to assess cytokine production by individual cells. Cytokines play a critical role in developing both physiologically appropriate and pathological immune responses. Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) is an excellent example of this, where it has a key role in antiviral…