Posts by Habibi Goudarzi, Ph.D.
He earned his Ph.D. from Purdue University and engaged in post-doctoral research at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and Cornell University. This followed by 22 years of experience in mass spectrometry-based research and development that included instrumentation, automation, fundamentals of MS/MS, and analytical and bioanalytical applications. He has 24 peer reviewed publications in addition to authoring funded internal and external research proposals.

Dr. Sohrab Habibi Goudarzi – Senior Director of Pharma Discovery and R&D Services, Bryan Parmentier – Senior Principal Scientist of Pharma Method Development, and Yu-Hui (Ann) Fu -Principal Scientist of Pharma Regulatory, along with other scientists at KCAS Bioanalytical & Biomarker Services, coauthored with scientists at Gilead Sciences, Inc. in…

As a Senior Director for Discovery in the pharma division at KCAS, I would like people to think of “Bioanalytical Discovery” as a stage in drug development; one where you are doing your final…

There is a new and growing focus on drug development at KCAS. Our clients – both pharma and biotech research organizations – have depended on KCAS to provide bioanalytical services for over four decades.

Have you ever wished you could tailor your project to your research needs instead of taking what you can get from a CRO? Here at KCAS, our Discovery team prides itself on having the flexibility to meet client’s needs by designing the experiments with feedback from our sponsors. Our team of…

Everyone likes to claim they offer fast turnaround times, but clients often come to KCAS having been burned by the lack of timeliness on their Discovery projects. At KCAS, we incorporate our clients’ priorities at the top of our priorities. We have put together a Discovery team with decades of…